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Cori Ramirez

Communication Skills Consultant

Venezuelan-born, Miami-raised multi-hyphenate Maria Corina Ramirez earned her B.F.A. in Acting from New World School of the Arts. Combining elements of theatre, movement, and mindfulness, Ramirez has served as a bilingual teaching artist and coach at Miami New Drama, the Artists as Catalysts Program (The Peace Studio), Evolutionary Arts, Alejo Communication, and other non-profit organizations. She has been invited to speak at UC Santa Barbara, NBC-Universal, Miami-Dade College, NALIP, Nosotros, Miami Film Festival, and Women in Film (NYC), among others. She is also a certified yoga instructor.

Her original screenplay, One Day, currently in pre-production, was a 2022 finalist for the Tribeca Film Festival Untold Stories grant. Her debut feature film, Bridges, which she wrote, produced, directed, and starred in, premiered to sold-out audiences and much acclaim at the 25th Urbanworld Film Festival in NYC, the 38th Miami Film Festival, and the 20th Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival. The film was dubbed "one of the most accurate film portrayals of what immigrant youths withstand in this country" by the L.A Times and "must see cinema" by Remezcla. Prior, she starred in and co-wrote Complex magazine's first-ever scripted series, Grown, which was also an HBO Project Greenlight winner. She has starred in two NBC-Telemundo TV series, two Cine Latino films, and over a dozen national campaigns and commercials. Her solo theatre piece, Supa'Nova, won an artist residency at Miami Theatre Center and a producer's scholarship for the 2017 Hollywood Fringe Festival in L.A. In 2019, she was invited to participate in the Thread creative writing intensive at Yale University.

Ramirez's work is dedicated to amplifying and humanizing the female and Latinx experiences. When she is not coaching, acting, filmmaking, or writing, she is making her family laugh, dancing, and traveling.

Maria Corina Ramirez
phone 866.202.0422 x704

What’s one thing you wish the business world would borrow from the acting world? 

A sense of wonder and play!

What is  your favorite moment in the training room? 

I love it when someone tries a seemingly small adjustment and surprises themselves with the difference it makes.

What is your most marked characteristic?

I can be really calm during high level stress situations, and, I can dance all night!

What is the sports team you give your all for? 

The Miami Heat!

You’ve won a vacation of your choosing! Where are you going? 


¿Qué es lo que le gustaría que el mundo de los negocios tomara prestado del mundo de la actuación?

¡Una sensación de asombro y juego!

¿Cuál es tu momento favorito en la sala de entrenamiento?

Me encanta cuando alguien intenta un ajuste aparentemente pequeño y se sorprende con la diferencia que hace.

¿Cuál es tu característica más marcada?

Puedo estar muy tranquilo durante situaciones de alto nivel de estrés y ¡puedo bailar toda la noche!

¿Cuál es el equipo deportivo por el que lo das todo?

¡El Calor de Miami!

Has ganado unas vacaciones de tu elección! ¿Adónde vas?
